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T&C's - General

Our terms and conditions.
Please note that Yasin tries his level best to provide the best care possible. 


6)  If you think we need it - then bring it! Safer to bring a list of your medications, all your medical notes, scan reports, doctors letters etc. The more information we have the better. 

7) Contact & Support: We do not offer email, text or phone support. For any questions, updates on scan/blood results, and to discuss topics of concern, you are required to come into clinic. Please book online, a single session. We believe in face-to-face conversations, assessments and treatments.

8)  Please come appropriately dressed. For example if you have knee problems we will likely need to treat your knee - so jeans or leggings will either need to be removed and a towel will be provided or please bring shorts to get changed into. If you have shoulder/upper back problems - then we will need to examine and likely treat the back. With acupuncture and ultrasound, we cannot treat over clothing.  

9)   Feel free to bring someone with you. Only 1 adult is permitted due to corona policy. Please do not bring children. Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for reading & understanding. We don't have a receptionist, enabling us to keep treatment costs lower and offering the highest quality treatments around! 

Previously Yasin has been an NHS Osteopathic consultant

Yasin smashed N.I.C.E guidelines!! 


He fixed his patients  upto 4 times quicker than the guidelines

We don't charge you extra for using additional equipment

TownOsteo Clinic

638 Melton Road, Leicester


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